Home Automation Sensor Build Progress

I am working on sensors for my Home Automation system.

The system itself is running on Domoticz and for these sensors I have created a Database / Web-interface so the sensors can easily log the data.

Features from these sensors:

Humidity / Temperature / Light level / Battery Level / Window Status (Open / Close) / RSSI for Wifi.

They can retrieve Over The Air Updates and are based on the ESP8266 Wifi Chip.

Some issues I have crossed along the way are:

Battery drain –> Trying to solve by using Attiny85 to shut down ESP between runs.

Fried ESP8266 on Breadboard (10 in a row or so) –> Possibly caused by the PCB I used to connect the Wifi to my Breadboard.

If you ask what the end-goal is: Have my windows Blinds work smart depending on weather conditions and in-house conditions.

Roerige Periode

Al weer 2 jaar voorbij. Daarvan sinds 1 december 2017 aan het werk bij Tesla in Tilburg als IT Manufacturing Support Technician. Maar er is een nieuwe uitdaging op mijn pad gekomen: Per 1 augustus 2018 start ik als Systeem / Netwerkbeheerder bij de GVT in Tilburg.